Latest stories

Six weeks in Taiwan

Our six weeks adventure in Taiwan has ended. So why did you choose Taiwan? Is there anything to see? Lots of our friends were so surprised of our decision to […]

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Stuck In The Paradise (Camiguin Island)

During our last week in the Philippines we visited Camiguin Island. Due to ongoing conflicts we decided to skip Mindanao, which lies in the South of the country. So Camiguin […]

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Bohol and Panglao Islands – a little bit of everything

The third week we left the North of the Philippines. Our destination: Bohol and its nearby island Panglao. These two bridge-connected islands in the middle of the Philippines have a […]

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Welcome! It’s Migle and Tadas. A couple mad about traveling.

We’ve always been leading quite ordinary lives. We’re sure you know the all-to-familiar timeline of standard life events: school, university, good jobs – we had it all. But is this it? This thought has been stuck in our minds for years. Sitting in a cubical for 8 hours was hardly what we were dreaming of and hoping for when we were children. So one day we just quit our jobs, packed our bags, and headed towards Asia.

We have no return tickets and no plan, just wanna explore the world and breathe the air of freedom. On the road we’ll be sharing our stories, photos, tips and fails.

I wish I could do the same,” many told us. And actually you can. With this blog we’ll try to inspire you to travel too. Choose to travel!

Let's get in touch!